Following this devastating event at a garbage dump in Kampala, President Yoweri Museveni has initiated an investigation into the circumstances that allowed people to reside near the hazardous area, leading to fatalities. The President has also mandated the evacuation of individuals from the identified “danger zone.” The death toll initially reported as eight, including two children, has since risen. Kampala police have been actively involved in rescue efforts, with more bodies recovered and 14 individuals rescued. Approximately 1,000 people have been displaced due to the landslide, with unclear details on the exact number residing in the affected vicinity. The Uganda Red Cross has been providing temporary shelter to those in need. The Kiteezi landfill, spanning 36 acres, serves as the primary waste disposal site for Kampala’s population of around four million. Mayor Erias Lukwago has expressed concerns over the disaster, emphasizing the potential for more casualties. The tragic incident occurred late at night, burying homes on the landfill’s periphery while residents were asleep. Rescue operations are ongoing as authorities strive to locate any remaining survivors amidst the debris.
Tanzanian Authorities Arrest Suspected Gang Rapists
Local media organs in Tanzania are reporting the arrests of some young men in connection to a gang rape incident...