Cameroon has launched the elaboration of the Strategy to Obtain eligibility of the Prevention and Resilience Allocation framework of the World Bank. The Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development Alamine Ousman Mey in the presence of some members of Government, the Governor of the Centre Region and the Cameroon Country Deputy Director of Operations Keiko Kubota launched the elaboration of the Strategy during the regional workshop of the Centre region.
The Prevention and Resilience Allocation (PRA) provides enhanced support for countries at risk of falling into high-intensity conflict or large-scale violence, based on government commitment and agreed milestones.
Through IDA 19 and the “Performance Based Allocation” , the World Bank has made available a specific envelop ” Fragility , Conflict and Violence destined to help meet the meet the needs of countries confronted with situations of fragility, conflict or violence.
Elsewhere the aim of the Prevention and Resilience Allocation framework is to increase support to countries where exist the risk of escalation of fragility or a conflict of great intensity
The current state of vulnerability to violence which Cameroon is exposed to demands an urgent and adapted response into to mitigate risks that can affect the efforts of sustainable development of the country.
The Prevention and Resilience Allocation framework can strengthened the country system to respond to vulnerabilities that the country is witnessing.
Speaking during the launching ceremony of the regional workshop, the Minister of the Economy , Planning and Regional Development said actions to fight against situations of violence and conflict are related to the objectives of the 2020-2030 National Development Strategy. Theses actions are contained in four pillers of the Strategy.
They include Good governance, Decentralization, and the Strategic management of the State as well as the objective of the structural transformation of the Economy.
While the consultation phase of the elaboration of the Strategy accompanied is to take place in all the ten regions of the country ,two categories of actors shall be consulted.
They are institutional actors like public administrations, Defense and Security Forces, Parliamentarians ,traditional authorities,regional and local elected officials ; and the noninstitutional actors like the private sector, the civil society, religious leaders and donors.