The government of Cameroon has expressed willingness to ensure the proper maturation of public investment projects in order to guarantee their proper execution and improving the quality of public expenditure.
The country’s Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey, has constantly been meeting with experts and other stakeholders to look for ways of ensuring this.
He recently presided over the first session of the Inter-ministerial Technical Committee of Experts charged with examining the files of maturity of public investment projects submitted by project owners.
Secretaries General of Ministries and Directors General earlier this November met with the Minister of Economy with the aim of evaluating the level of preparation of certain major public investment projects prepared by the Project Owners.
He said it has been observed that the public administrations have not yet taken interest and the importance the maturation of projects has in the process of preparation and execution of the state budget. To him there is insufficient rigor in the preparation, implementation and exploitation of these projects.
The minister and committee members brought out some innovations of the new regulatory framework for the maturation of projects which includes: the extension of the maturation at the design stage to the preparation of the project execution, the preparation of the exploitation of the product of the public investment and the return of experience as well as the establishment of the maturity visa, for which obtaining the maturity visa is transparent via the definition of the validation procedures for projects deemed to be mature, by the competent public institutions.
The Inter-ministerial Technical Committee of Experts charged with examining the files of maturity of public investment projects submitted by project owners holds in line with the provisions of the decree of June 21, 2018 setting the rules governing the maturation process of public investment projects in Cameroon.